Monday, February 28, 2011

I made an A

I just finished my first Master's online class from Nova Southeastern University and I made an A!!!!! I am so excited!!! I had done well on my first two papers but I was worried about the last one! I wanted to get an A in this class so bad and I did it! I would not have been able to this without the support of some very important people:

Kyle and Whitney....He has helped so much with her when I had school work to do. I could not have done it without him!! I am so in love with my family!!!

Whenever I get stressed, Mrs. LAH is alwasy there to make me feel better!! Without her constant support and uplifting words, I would be way more stressed out!! She kept telling me I could do it and that gave me confidence that I was lacking!!

Thank you to everyone that has been there for me and helped me along the way! One class down.....five more to go!!!